

Page history last edited by Michael van der Gulik 10 years, 10 months ago

Hi There!


This is my wiki, where I dump and organise all my ideas.


Artificial Intelligence

I'm currently working on Faish. This is a programming environment for experimentation into AI techniques.


Faish, an interpreter of the Squl language. Squl is a pure deductive programming language (in the same family as Prolog).


See http://www.squl.org/


Unnamed Grand Project

(Project cancelled: a better way of doing this would be to use LLVM rather than Smalltalk bytecode.)


This was a distributed object architecture with a custom client that is meant to replace the World Wide Web.


The Unnamed Grand Project has many components:

  • SecureSqueak (a hardened fork of Squeak)
  • SiteBrowser, which is a web-browser-like user interface.
    • Subcanvas, which does screen drawing and UI event handling.
    • Widgets, GUI elements built on Subcanvas. 
  • DPON, which does the object replication and network abstraction.
  • The first application will be a Site designer, much like a wiki, but also allowing custom widgets and code.


Other Random Stuff

More stuff that doesn't deserve a front-page link.


- Michael van der Gulik (mikevdg at gulik.co.nz).

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